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04-17-03 The Stillness
The Stillness is your source, your power and who you are. It is your home.
05-02-03 The Garage
But when your mind is full of ideas, especially full of automatic responses, beliefs, shoulds and should nots, old responses, old ideas, then there is no room, there is no room for what is real.
11-24-03 Moment of Death
What we are trying to say to you, Paul,
is that every moment is a moment of death. Every moment is either fear or the extension of love. Every moment is either opening your eyes and seeing the beauty around you, or it is closing them and not wanting to see, not wanting to feel, not wanting to be where you are at that moment.
05-20-03 That Which is You
And in order to see and feel the love that you are, you must express or demonstrate the love that you are. You must show it (the love that you are) to your Self (to God). You must extend your Self, the love that you are and have always been.
08-13-03 Prayer: I have no Life of My Own
There is only the expression of love, that is all. That is all that exists. Everything else is pretending.