Please enjoy the original audios as recorded by Paul, or read the available transcriptions.
There will be a minute or two of silence at the beginning of the recordings as Paul is preparing to hear “We”.
05-01-11 What is Time?
PDF: What is Time?
“Time appears to be natural but it is not.
The use of time or (control) is of the ego mind.”
05-29-11 It is Time to Surrender to God Within
PDF: It is Time to Surrender to God Within
“I am God’s body, hands, feet, movement.
My mantra is “God is with me, God is within me.” The pretend mind fades as I surrender to God running my life and movement.”
05-30-11 Man Living in Harmony with Nature
PDF: Man Living in Harmony with Nature
“Creation is a gift to that which has been created. This Earth is a gift to man, a perfect gift of harmony, peace, abundance.”
06-19-11 Showing Up for Life
PDF: Showing Up for Life
Paul’s defended and pretend self/mind disappears as Paul falls asleep. While sleeping, there is no longer any energy to sustain the false self. We do not identify with the false self when asleep. Because it is an illusion, it disappears when not being identified with.
07-03-11 Universal Consciousness
“There is no such thing as individual consciousness. Consciousness is like a network that connects all objects of creation with the mind and consciousness of God.”
08-03-11 No Title
PDF: No Title
There is no security in tomorrow. Your happiness lies in this moment.
Your security is held within this moment. Your wealth is held within this moment.
Your health is held within this moment. Your future is held within this moment.
Your past is held within this moment.
08-06-11 Freedom at Last
PDF: Freedom at Last
“The worry of the small mind is like holding your breath; it is a waste of time. The
small mind is an anchor, a weight that disallows the fullness of life. And when you
cut this anchor, this rope and allow this smallness to sink to the bottom of the
sea, you can float and be pulled by God, be pulled by life, the joys of life.”
08-17-11 Power of Stillness
PDF: Power of Stillness
“There is no other way of being except through the way of the stillness. There’s no movement, instructions, knowledge, understanding except through the stillness, through this present moment.”
08-21-11 The Oasis
PDF: The Oasis
“So when you are feeling lonely or even desperate to be with someone, first return to this oasis. Let it guide you. Let it first fulfill you. Let it show and demonstrate what you are being held by. Let it show you your source, your completeness. Let it renew your life.”
09-04-11 The Doorway
PDF: The Doorway
“Life is on hold. Breath is on hold as you wait to enter this doorway. Practice using your will, your love to come forward Paul, and stand before this doorway and knock and ask to enter the kingdom of heaven. The Door will always open.”
09-11-11 Practicing True Identity
“There is only one identity, one Self, one Life of God. Practice joining, this Moment, this Now, with all things.”
09-18-11 God’s Life, My Life
PDF: God’s Life, My Life
“All questions, all concerns, all fears disappear under the light and love of God. In the presence of God, my only task is to surrender to God each moment, each breath, until the last breath of my life.”
10-22-11 Beauty
PDF: Beauty
“Everyone and everything expresses the beauty of God in their own unique way. Beauty affects you and inspires you and it is of God. Each breath is a recognition of beauty. Beauty is the opening of the heart to love.”
10-30-11 Body, Mind, Mankind
PDF: Body, Mind, Mankind
“There is only one spirit of man, one body of man.”
11-06-11 God’s Experience of Life
”Life is the experience of life. The purpose of life is God’s purpose of life. Man suffers for he has an idea, or concept of life, and he forgets to experience life, moment by
moment, day by day.”
11-07-11 Practice of Life
PDF: Practice of Life
You can create a picture of God with words, as you can paint a beautiful flower, or a beautiful tree. God can be described and described, over and over, with thousands of pictures, thousands of words, and those pictures will open your heart, and will open the heart of man
11-13-11 Unreality of Fear
PDF: Unreality of Fear
“Your mind is of the Mind of God and the Mind of God is pure, full of truth and love, and therefore your mind is pure, full of truth and love. Fear is an idea, or concept, that you have adopted and believe in, and thus you have distorted your own mind. Fear is not based in reality.”
11-20-11 Surrender God Expands Self
PDF: Surrender God Expands Self
“All of creation surrenders to God, its Creator. Surrendering is getting out of the way and allowing life to become what it is.”
12-18-11 The Stage of Man
PDF: The Stage of Man
“Do not seek the drama and the stage play of man. If you seek to become an actor within society, and engage with the mind of man, your life will be a wasted life. The small mind identifies what it thinks or believes it is, as a ‘self,’ but there is only One Mind and only One Self.”
12-24-11 Man’s Mind Suffers
PDF: Man’s Mind Suffers
“Man’s small fearful mind suffers man, and therefore man suffers man and his natural environment. It is not your job to change the thinking or ways of society, but you can lessen your own suffering by listening and expressing the Sound of God.”