Please enjoy the original audios as recorded by Paul, or read the available transcriptions.
There will be a minute or two of silence at the beginning of the recordings as Paul is preparing to hear “We”.
01-14-12 Mind: The Principle of Balance
“Mind is a point of balance within the Now of Life. Mind is a thin line, or a point suspended between the past and the future, in which one balances, walks and lives.”
01-21-12 Mind is the Clarity of God
PDF: Mind is the Clarity of God
“You contain all that God Is.
There is nothing outside of your mind and the Mind of God.”
01-28-12 What are Thoughts?
PDF: What are Thoughts?
“Thoughts are images, or veils, which create a separate mind. Thoughts are the mechanism and the fuel that allow your separate mind to exist. The separate mind uses the body and things of this world to have its own life. Thoughts are distractions and fantasy images that block your mind from naturally connecting to the Mind of God.”
02-04-12 Experiencing Joy
PDF: Experiencing Joy
“There is nothing you need to do to be Who You Are.”
02-12-12 Mind is Reflective
PDF: Mind is Reflective
“Creating some thing from no thing is not possible. (The word create means “to cause, to come into existence.”) Every thing in ‘creation,’ or the universe is brought forth from the interior substance of God, which already exists.”
02-19-12 Seeking Living God
PDF: Seeking Living God
“Nothing exists in the projected universe that is not held within the interior
substance of God.”
02-26-12 The Joy of Expressing God’s Song
PDF: The Joy of Expressing God’s Song
“You have no other purpose other than to express the song of God, and that expression, clarity and purpose is your Joy.”
03-11-12 The Unburdened Small Mind
PDF: The Unburdened Small Mind
“Removing this small mind as your identity and as your guidance feels like death
to the ‘you’ that identifies with it.”
03-18-12 The Song of God
PDF: The Song of God
“In order to have Life, or the expression of love, joy and beauty, you must have the un-expressed love, joy and beauty, or the Stillness.”
03-25-12 The Life Of God (A Summary Of Teachings)
PDF: The Life Of God (A Summary Of Teachings)
“Your life is God’s life, not the pretend life of the mind-self. There is only One life, One consciousness, One Mind, and One existence, for God seeks to know Him Self through His creations.”
04-01-12 Living in the Light
PDF: Living in the Light
“Give your attention to the reality of who you are. Shift your focus, shift your consciousness, and shift your thoughts to the reality-place of God’s life of light and love.”
04-16-12 What is the Mind of God?
“Mind is a communication tool between God and His Creation.”
04-22-12 The Practice Experiencing Mind
PDF: The Practice Experinceing Mind
“The definition of Mind is not as important as the experience of Mind. Enter the Mind of God and feel the love and the sounds that surrounds you. Allow God to enter you and move you in love upon this earth.”
04-25-12 The Power of Mind
PDF: The Power of Mind
“The characteristic of Mind-Consciousness is that the doorway to the Kingdom of Heaven, and who you are, and seeing God, is Now. The power of Now is also the power of the Stillness. The Stillness of God implies this Still moment.”
05-06-12 The Joy of Being Who You Are
PDF: The Joy of Being Who You Are
“Mind is your doorway into Creation and the Kingdom of God. Mind is your path. Your heart will open through your Mind.”
05-13-12 You Never Leave the Stillness
PDF: You Never Leave the Stillness
“The Stillness is silent and that is what you seek, the silence, the stillness of the Stillness. It is a place of tremendous depth and understanding, and peace.”
05-20-12 The Path of Expanded Consciousness
PDF: The Path of Expanded Consciousness
Experience expands consciousness, and expanded consciousness creates more expanded experiences.
06-10-12 Healing the Insane Mind-self
PDF: Healing the Insane Mind-self
“Only by the complete surrender of who you think you are to the larger Mind of God can you heal the small insane mind-self and be held by God.”
06-24-12 The Seeds of Consciousness
PDF: The Seeds of Consciousness
“Once you realize who you are, that realization is forever. The discovery of the Self is the discovery of God, because there is only One Self.”
07-01-12 Relax, It is God’s Life
“If you focus on the natural world, and we mean the world of nature, animals and plants, and blue skies and blue oceans, and if you focus on the presence of God, God’s nature, Gods will, you will fit within this world with ease.”
07-08-12 Realizing Mind
PDF: Realizing Mind
“…And so, your identity would expand, [would it not,] from a limited animal self, with a limited life, to a galaxy that is billions of years old. And then, as your mind further expands, it would expand to include all the universes, and all of Creation.”
07-15-12 The Relaxation of Mind
“Mind is not designed to be restrained, or captured in any way. Mind does not resist Itself nor does Mind judge Itself. Mind is the flow of communication from the heart and the body of God into and around the body of Creation.”
07-29-12 The Nature of Mind
PDF: The Nature of Mind
“Mind is the consciousness of God. Mind is the awareness of God each moment. Mind does not belong to you as the air that you breathe does not belong to you.”
08-05-12 God’s Mind – Giving and Receiving
PDF: God’s Mind – Giving and Receiving
“God cannot see the love that He is and even be the love that He is, without this exchange of giving and receiving. You might want to call this the law of God, or the law of nature, or the law of creation, but it is the characteristic of God.”
08-19-12 What is Awareness?
PDF: What is Awareness?
“Awareness is Mind in its most basic-substance understanding. Awareness
is Mind.”
08-26-12 The Wholesness of God
PDF: The Wholeness of God
“God’s Consciousness is all consuming, and there can be nothing left except God’s Consciousness. The entering into God’s Reality is complete and final.”
09-02-12 The Movement of Life
PDF: The Movement of Life
“The fear of change or movement is unrealistic for it is not the reality of God’s expression of Him Self. The Stillness is God’s unchangeable and permanent Being.”
09-09-12 Open your Eyes and Mind Now!
PDF: Open Your Eyes and Mind Now
“The small personality of Paul chooses blindness and unknowing in order to stay
hidden from God. You think that you fear and suffer the world, but it is not the fear of the world that you possess, it is the fear of God, and it is the fear of the Great Self.”
09-16-12 The Only Life and Self
“The mind is not to be dealt with or bargained with, or compromised with, for
the mind is just what it is, an (a non-entity) entity that thinks that it is you. And your consciousness, (or) awareness, for the most part, thinks also that this entitymind is what and who you are, and it is not.”
09-23-12 Choosing God’s Mind
PDF: Choosing God’s Mind
“You are so use to giving attention to this
shadow mind, that you are unaware that there is indeed a greater Mind in which
you can draw from, and in which you can focus upon, and you can give attention
09-30-12 Paul’s Practice
PDF: Paul’s Practice
“Your life or practice is about the realization of God’s presence.”
10-01-12 The Transformation of the Self
PDF: The Transformation of the Self
“Once you enter the Mind of God the problems of the world begin to fade. The expansion of the mind into the Mind of God is the expansion of perception, clarity, love and peace.”
10-07-12 Practicing God’s Life
PDF: PracticingGod’s Life
“Happiness is knowing the difference between control and manipulation, and allowing life to be what it is. If you do not resist or judge life, you begin to observe what life is.”
10-14-12 The Simplicity of God, Now.
PDF: The Simplicity of God, Now.
“The shadow self promises simplicity, but delivers complexity.”
10-28-12 The Breath of God
PDF: The Breath of God
“Breathe God (love) in and breathe God (love) out. You can learn to be present and you can focus on this present moment.”
11-11-12 Choosing God’s House
PDF: Choosing God’s House
“Your presence is all that is required. Your breath is all that is required. If you are breathing and if you are present with your breath, you are present with God. God is within you and you are within God.”
11-18-12 God’s Expression
PDF: God’s Expression
“There is only One Expression of God, and that expression connects all things. God must express Him Self, or demonstrate the reflection of Him Self from the Stillness, through movement or energy, in order to know and to see Him Self.”
12-16-12 The Reality of God
PDF: The Reality of God
“The Breath of God is the energy of life. The Breath of God is the high of life. The Breath of God is life, and it is the definition and the experience of life.”
12-24-12 The Static Reality
PDF: The Static Reality
“There is no such Reality as a continuous reality. Reality is static and only exists within the moment, Now. Reality is represented as a still picture or image of the inner Stillness of God, projected outward by the light or power of God.”