The way of life is now, now, through the unique experience and
expression of the individual self. The purpose and the function of life is the
expression of God’s life.
The individual self reflects the Greater Self and thus becomes the Greater Self.
The Beauty of who you are is within the expression of who you are.
Please enjoy the original audios as recorded by Paul, or read the available transcriptions.
There will be a minute or two of silence at the beginning of the recordings as Paul is preparing to hear “We”.
01-20-13 Wake Up Now to God’s Reality
PDF: Wake Up Now to God’s Reality
“Being Still, or non-doing, is the doing and the action of life. BeingStill and observing life through non-resistance and non-judgment, and the desire for Reality, will lead to an Awakening.”
02-05-13 Living from the Stillness
PDF: Living From the Stillness
“Living from the Stillness is the way and the practice of life. You already exist in the Stillness and therefore, there is no need to do or to make up your existence. If you wish to have a real, practical, joyous, abundant and sane life, you must live your life from the Stillness of your Real existence.”
03-01-13 The Body of God
PDF: The Body of God
“Once you become aware of this other body, this God Body, and you elect to visit this God Body often, and to recognize this God body as your Self, you as Paul, as this body, or thing upon this earth, becomes transformed. “
03-08-13 Seeking and Experiencing the Stillness
PDF: Seeking and Experiencing the Stillness
“As you become the desire of God through the Stillness, you become That which you are. As you enter the Stillness, you enter God, your Self. “
03-17-13 Life from the Stillness, Now
PDF: Life from the Stillness Now
“If you move and focus your attention into the Stillness, you will understand the meaning of life, and the meaning of who you are, and the purpose of who you are.”
05-22-13 The Reflection of God
The individual self reflects the Greater Self and thus becomes the Greater Self. The Beauty of who you are is within the expression of who you are.
06-09-13 Being That Which You Are.
You are the mind and the desire of God and therefore, you are experiencing your own desires, your own images, and your own substance.
06-16-13 God’s Expression
PDF: God’s Expression
You have a companion within God, Paul. God is your partner. God is your lover. And God is certainly the boss of you, the dominant being within you.
08-04-13 The Observation and Experience of God
PDF: The Observation and Experience of God
All God can do is to see and observe that which He is, and therefore He is in joy, in-joy, in ecstasy, of seeing and observing that which He is. And within the moment of the observation He is also within the experience of that which He is.
08-11-13 The Life of God
PDF: The Life of God
There is only the Life of God. God is observing and experiencing His Life through the body and the greater Mind of Paul. Paul’s mind focus is to allow God to breathe through the body and the mind of Paul. Without the presence of God, the body would die.
08-18-13 The Individual Mind, With Humor And Tragedy
PDF: The Individual Mind, With Humor And Tragedy
“There is no doing of life; there is just the being of life. Life is now. Life is one
breath at a time, one moment at a time, and it has nothing to do with the mind of
09-01-13 Falling In Love With God (Chapter One)
PDF: Falling In Love With God (Chapter One)
You are the Self of God, as your neighbor is the Self of God, as the tree outside your window is the Self of God. There is nothing other than the Self of God.
10-01-13 The Road to Love
PDF: The Road to Love
The road to love is simple for the heart, complicated and dangerous to the mind, and terrifying to the ego.
10-06-13 Transforming the Mind
The mind is terrified of love, for it knows not of love. The minddoes not trust the heart (or love) for it sees the heart as broken and in pain. But it is indeed the mind that is broken and hurt and in need of love and healing. The heart is whole and strong and it is the Way of Life, and the Way of God.
11-18-13 The Place of Now
PDF: The Place of Now
Nothing is as important as being within this Place of Now, this physical place, this mental place, this emotional place, and this place of awareness, that is happening Now.