“We” typically begin with these words:
“Is it not a beautiful day today? The sun is shining and the birds are singing
and all is well in your world, a world of great beauty, a world of great harmony,
and a world that needs nothing to be who and what is.
And here you sit once again, wanting to know who and what you are,
wanting an understanding as to who and what you are. And here we are once
again, surrounding you, loving you, and asking you who and what you are.”

Please enjoy the original audios as recorded by Paul, or read the available transcriptions.

There will be a minute or two of silence at the beginning of the recordings as Paul is preparing to hear “We”.

02-09-14 Understanding Consciousness, Awareness and Mind

02-17-14 Be Here Now in Movement, in Stillness

04-06-14 Understanding Duality (One Reality)

04-20-14 Shifting Attention into God’s Mind

06-23-14 Consciousness Is The Knowing Of Mind