“Stillness is the source from which every thing and every form arises. Aware presence lives within the heart of the Stillness, but it is unmanifested. It is unrealized. You believe that you are an individual having an individual experience, and that thought brings you great suffering. There is no person. There is only the sound of this body speaking certain sounds that have meaning and description to the awareness of God. You are part of this great dance, this great movement, and you can do nothing to change that, to influence that, or to make that happen better or worse, or different. As you enter the Stillness, you realize that you are more than form, more than an idea or a thought, more than an image, or belief. You are simply the witness unto That which God is performing for Him Self.”  01-24-2015

Please enjoy the original audios as recorded by Paul, or read the available transcriptions.

There will be a minute or two of silence at the beginning of the recordings as Paul is preparing to hear “We”.

PDF: The Nature of the Stillness

God is not self-important. God does not have to be some thing, or to pretend to be some thing. God does not need the concept of “I,” or “I exist,” or “I am,” but the manifested thing, or things, like your self needs an “I” to focus, needs an “I am” to focus attention, (and) needs an “I am” to be some thing.