“Stillness is the source from which every thing and every form arises. Aware presence lives within the heart of the Stillness, but it is unmanifested. It is unrealized. You believe that you are an individual having an individual experience, and that thought brings you great suffering. There is no person. There is only the sound of this body speaking certain sounds that have meaning and description to the awareness of God. You are part of this great dance, this great movement, and you can do nothing to change that, to influence that, or to make that happen better or worse, or different. As you enter the Stillness, you realize that you are more than form, more than an idea or a thought, more than an image, or belief. You are simply the witness unto That which God is performing for Him Self.” 01-24-2015
Please enjoy the original audios as recorded by Paul, or read the available transcriptions.
There will be a minute or two of silence at the beginning of the recordings as Paul is preparing to hear “We”.
01-11-15 Presence: The Path to Realization
PDF: Presence: The Path to Realization
The practice of presence is fundamental to a life of joy and the realization of who and what you are.
01-18-15 The Hidden Presence
PDF: The Hidden Presence
You exist within the Stillness, and you exist within this room, sitting on this chair, speaking into this microphone. There is nothing outside of the Stillness, and so there is no place to go, and there’s certainly nothing to do. Presence, now, connects you, as awareness, as consciousness, as existence, to your home within the Stillness.
01-25-15 The Movement of Awareness
PDF: The Movement of Awareness
You might describe awareness as moving Stillness, or the moving picture of the stillness. Awareness is the play of the Stillness. It is the delight and form of the stillness. It is the play of the Stillness. It is the in and out breathing and aliveness of the Stillness. It is the Stillness in animation, in movement
02-07-15 What is Mind?
PDF: What is Mind?
There is no such thing as mind. If you search for mind, you cannot find it. It
is not a place, or an existence. Mind is simply a container, a limited container,
with boundaries of thoughts, and beliefs, and images. Mind is contained within awareness, and you might call it a very small aspect of awareness.
02-09-15 The Expanded Mind and Aware Presence
PDF: The Expanded Mind And Aware Presence
The I Am is as vast as the Stillness, as vast as the No-thing-ness, as vast as No-form, as vast as the potential (of the Stillness) to be some “thing.”
02-24-15 God Experiencing Him Self
PDF: God Experiencing Him Self
Stillness is the source from which every thing (or every form) arises. The “I” arises, the “you” or “me” or “we” arises, identification arises, desiring to know arises, wanting to know arises, but absolutely nothing is happening.
03-08-15 The Aware Presence of God
PDF: The Aware Presence of God
Presence is just presence. It is the foundation for all life. It is the foundation for all things. Every thing has presence; every rock, every animal, every world, every angel, (and) every spirit has presence. It is what connects all things to all things, and it is what connects God to all things.
03-27-15 Choosing Presence
PDF: Choosing Presence
And as you simply shift your focus, with courage, freshness, newness, and
a deep desire to change, a deep desire to find love for the Self, and to be in love
with the Self, you sit in the quiet atmosphere of your bedroom with a digital tape recorder, and with a purpose to speak the Truth, with a desire to know the Truth, and a desire to hear the Truth.
And thus we arrive.
03-28-15 All Stillness – Movement Now
PDF: All Stillness- Movement Now
Stillness holds within its self all movement, and form, and expression. And movement, and form, and expression hold within its self, all Stillness.
04-12-15 The Story Of The Shimmering Stillness
PDF: The Story of the Shimmering Stillness
The Stillness, through Its desire to know Itself, must become an almost imperceptible vibration in order to narrow Itself into some thing, or into form. Presence, the self-aware I Am, I Exist, arises from the Stillness and becomes an idea, a thing, a knowing, slightly below the perfection of the Stillness.
04-14-15 Questions and Dialogue
What is doing? What is doing? It is probably one of the most important
questions. Is awareness before Mind? Does Mind develop from awareness? So how does one experience the Stillness?
04-29-15 Seeing And Perceiving From Stillness
PDF: Seeing And Perceiving From Stillness
: Presence lives within the heart of the Stillness, and arises and becomes the Still moment unto which all expression is manifested. Presence is the doorway in the Stillness. You are perceiving from the Stillness, not from the person.
05-10-15 Be the Love of Presence
Become the compassionate loving witness unto your Self. Be the love of presence, and allow that presence and love to grow within your heart.
07-12-15 The Nature of the Stillness
PDF: The Nature of the Stillness
God is not self-important. God does not have to be some thing, or to pretend to be some thing. God does not need the concept of “I,” or “I exist,” or “I am,” but the manifested thing, or things, like your self needs an “I” to focus, needs an “I am” to focus attention, (and) needs an “I am” to be some thing.